Murties Restoration

Refurbishing murtis is a common practice in Hindu temples and households to maintain their appearance and spiritual significance. Here’s how it’s typically done

Murties Restoration

  1. Cleaning: Before repolishing, the murti is thoroughly cleaned to remove any dust, dirt, or previous coatings. This can be done using a soft cloth or brush and mild cleaning solutions suitable for the material of the murti.
  2. Repairs: If the murti has any physical damage or wear, such as chips, cracks, or discoloration, it may need minor repairs before repolishing. Skilled artisans or craftsmen can carefully restore the murti’s original appearance using techniques appropriate for the material, whether it’s stone, metal, wood, or other materials.
  3. Repolishing: Once cleaned and repaired, the murti may undergo repolishing to restore its luster and shine. This process varies depending on the material of the murti. For example:
    • Stone murtis may be polished using special oils or waxes to enhance their natural color and texture.
    • Metal murtis, such as brass or bronze, may be polished with metal polish or traditional methods like tamarind paste to remove tarnish and reveal their brilliance.
    • Wooden murtis may be polished with natural oils or varnishes to protect the wood and bring out its grain.
  4. Blessing: After repolishing, the murti is often blessed by a priest or spiritual leader to re-energize its spiritual presence and significance.
  5. Placement: Once refurbished, the murti is placed back in its original location, such as a temple shrine or household altar, where it can be worshipped and revered by devotees.

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